New logo day!!

Happy Valentine’s day guys!!!

How spoilt have you been today? Remember to tag @jgphotoni and use #ShowMeYourLove on instagram and share how amazing your day has been. Did you treat yourself to something really nice? or maybe you got the biggest squishiest hug from a friend or did your soulmate in life knock it outta the park and show you how much you mean to them? However you’re spending your day, I hope you know, you are amazing, your smile lights up your face and your ass looks awesome! You are a beautiful person :)

Well, it’s not all about romance because for me it’s NEW LOGO DAY!!!!

What do you think?

I decided that this time I needed to be a little more ladylike and if you’ve met me, you’ll know I am the biggest tomboy with ripped jeans and guddies (trainers for you non-norn iron folks) but still, there’s a feminine side there and it’s time to let it reflect on my brand. My mammy says I have expensive taste, I like to think I recognise quality and this is what I strive to provide you guys.

I have to give a huge shoutout to a twitter buddy, @MadMark99 , who made my original ‘blackwater images’ logo. It’s been fabulous to add it to my photography over the years and I thank you for being the nicest bloke and helpin’ a girl out! You sir, are one of the good ones. ~mwah!

Also, incase you haven’t noticed, the social media handles have now also changed!

If you don’t already follow, please go show a girl some love at:




Have a fabulous Monday folks,

All my love,

Jules x


Rebrand Giveaway


A new chapter begins