Show me your LOVE

We’ve finally got January behind us and now there’s Valentine’s day to look forward to. This got me thinking, how we look upon love and it’s meaning and so I asked you guys on my socials what is your definition of love?

We all have love in our daily lives, this can be from our kids, family, friends, pets, to our favourite things. And we can be influenced on the idea of love through movies, media, society etc. But what I found really interesting in the deep and meaningful convo’s you guys have had with me, (thank you so much btw!) is love really isn’t all hearts and cheesy chat up lines (though if you’re like me, there’s some winners out there that you just can’t help but smile and laugh at!). The darker side of love is not what I’m focusing on with this post, but I shall say this. Please, please, please, if you are not in a safe and loving relationship, do not hesitate to seek help to get out.

So you guys and your definition of love was as follows:

  • Being seen, heard and understood

  • being valued and appreciated

  • to be protected/feel safe and secure

  • to be encouraged, supported and all the pride and praise when you do good (can I just say, I like the arse kickin’ when I really really need it, esp if it’s done the right way!)

  • loyalty (Preach!)

  • Being respected, admired & adored (absolutely!)

  • to feel connected, attracted and appealing

  • The PDA, holding hands, having doors opened for you (Ladies, yes, we can do it ourselves, but how nice is it when you’ve got a Gentleman with old school manners!)

  • hugs and forehead kisses (never gets old!)

  • being fed (ok, 3am night drives to get nuggets is pretty awesome esp if the music playlist is awesome too!)

  • quality time together (NO PHONES! —— yes yes! …. think of that connection!)

  • making sure they get home safe, not to text/drink & drive (Preaching to the choir! this one’s a biggy for me too)

  • and making sure the sacrifices you make for them doesn’t end up with you giving up your life dreams. (Team work makes the dream work!)

Love also seems to stem from the type of love we share, and a lot of you guys think it’s a generational thing too!

I’m a sucker for old school manners, your guy opens your door, he walks to the outside of the footpath, your partner steps up to love you on the harder days when you can’t love yourself and you can identify what the good love looks like compared to the toxic. You cannot beat meeting someone, talking to them, getting butterflies going wild in your tummy and that electric zing when you connect. To swipe left or right, you don’t get that and you don’t get the connection locked in to form a basic foundation for any relationship. So with the different ways technology and esp social media have us now meeting people, it makes me wonder, Do we know when we have the good sh*t or do we settle for the toxic thinking it’s what we are worthy of?

What I also found really interesting was when I asked questions about love and who we love, not very many people included themselves. Why not? Your self love is sooooooo important!

You gotta think about your:

  • self confidence

  • self worth

  • self belief

  • joy and happiness

  • not degrading ourselves over our weaknesses and shutting down that negative inner voice

  • celebrating your strengths

  • knowing your worth & acknowledging what you bring to the table is pretty darn amazing

  • understanding and accepting you are perfectly imperfect and that our flaws and quirks are what makes us who we are (fist bumps for the sassy sparkly personalities!)

This vaientines, whether you’re single, in a relationship, have puppy huggles, have the biggest smiles from forehead kisses or sore cheeks from laughing from those cheesy chat up lines, tag me @blackwaterimages and #ShowMeYourLove to celebrate just how awesome love is and amazing you are, or let me capture your life, love and laughter, while you’re lost in the moment!

Much Love

Jules x


A new chapter begins


Bump & you